Alternative Rites of Passages/Blessings

The term “rites of passage” was coined in 1909 by the French anthropologist Arnold van Gennep, who observed that these ceremonies are a way to help individuals go through the difficulties of a social transition.

Nowadays the term is in common use, since it represents a reality deeply ingrained in the human mind.

  • House Blessing
  • Welcoming Newborns
  • Transgender Renaming Ceremony

House Blessing In Christianity, a house blessing is an ancient tradition. They are usually performed by a Minister or Accredited Lay Preacher. House Blessings date back to the earliest days of Free Celtic Christianity. This rite is intended to bless the inhabitants of a house or apartment.

Welcoming Newborns Welcoming ceremonies are a very special way of celebrating the birth of your child or the new arrival of an adopted child into your wider circle of family and friends.

These ceremonies are not just for babies, children of any age can have a ceremony and you may wish to include your other children as well as your new child. You may have two families that have joined as one and wish to cerebrate by holding a special ceremony.

Welcoming ceremonies are not religious and have no legal status. Any parent can arrange a welcoming ceremony; you do not have to be married.

You may also like to extend the ceremony by adding a reception, see our Packages page for more information.

Transgender Renaming Ceremony Changing your name can be one of the most meaningful steps for any trans person in expressing who you are. The changing of a name acknowledges your journey of discovery and symbolises a new beginning. A renaming or trans naming ceremony offers a person a life moment, for reflection of their life so far and who they have become. So why wouldn’t you mark this moment with a meaningful ceremony. Bespoke written with only you at its heart.